Monday 14 February 2011

About time too...

Happy valentines everyone!

In my usual round and about sort of way, I have finally gotten around to adding some of the paintings I have been making over the last couple of months (and before!) to the shop. Hurrah and hooray!

The three I added today are Loose Horse in the Valley, All the Kings Horses and A Visitor. As you can see, the update has a strong horse based theme! They are available in the originals section of the shop.
All the Kings Horses
A Visitor
Loose Horse in the Valley

I have a HUGE 29 project update for you soon. I have been busy packing and moving house and horsing around doing dressage things with Pia, hence the quiet times here.

Our new house is lovely. It has a woodburner which I am sat in front of right now...Rad.

1 comment:

Sam said...

These are so beautiful!! I will be dropping LARGE hints to my partner with the hope I might receive one!