Wednesday 23 April 2008

Bonbi in the Chateau

Bonbi Forest was featured on Chateau Bizarre today, a wonderful directory of amazing independent stores and designers. A bit of the blurb from the site says: "Notorious for showcasing small business at its strangest, the Chateau is devoid of overexposed couture, boring celebrities, and common strip-mall crap; we prefer to surround ourselves with the imaginative and extraordinary".

Thank you to Lilah for the review...Click the pic to read our little blurb!

It has all been a little quiet on the blog front of late as I have been busy designing new stuff amongst other things. I am off on a holiday in a week (hurrah!) so there is lots to sort out before then, but I hope to post some arty finds and pics of my studio happenings before I go, so stay tuned for those little snippets!!

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